There's something about cool temps, fresh air, and the slamming of port-a-potty doors that I love about race day. I was not too sure what my time would be, or how I would feel on race day, because the wife and I spent a day at the lake, 5 and a half days in Orlando, and two and a half days in Chicago on our honeymoon. For starters, thanks to everyone that was involved in our wedding in every way, Ames and I thank you, we love you, and we are truly blessed you are a part of our life. Our trip involve miles and miles of walking, sightseeing, and visiting some awesome spots! We went to the lake for my little sister's wedding, Orlando to Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure in Universal, Tampa to visit my bro and Karen and my nieces and nephews, then finally to Chicago to Navy Pier, Willis (formerly Sears) Tower, then to the race.
Race day was Sunday, 9/12/10. We woke up around 4 am Central time to catch a shuttle at 5:30am, to get to the race in Jackson Park. The night prior, we ate Giordano's Pizza for the second night in a row - truly phenomenal - to carb up for the race. The temperature was 58 degrees, exactly my favorite temp to race in. I was feeling really comfortable, loose, and ready for a good run among the 20,000 participants. While we were cold awaiting race time, I knew this was going to be a good day. Here are the details of my race:
Miles 1-3: I crossed the start line with a sea of people around me. While I was scared this may slow me down, I was thankful there was not many openings for me to start too fast. At the 1/2 mile mark, I found my "groove." This is remarkable because I normally take a mile to get going and get in the groove between mile 1 and 2. The first 3 miles circle the park and the Jackson Park golf course; however, the streets were wide and the turns did not slow me down. I was feeling something special.
Miles 4-8: This portion of the run started a straight, flat 4 miles down Lake Shore Drive. While I could see Downtown Chicago, the real beauty was Lake Michigan, the boats on the water, and the sea breeze. Other than that, I know I felt great, I was running fast, but zoned completely out. My focus was on efficient breathing and form and saving my legs for the run toward the finish, nothing else.
Miles 9-11: Being an out-and-back course, I started back down Lake Shore toward the finish at Jackson Park. I was in a groove and feeling so good. At the 9 mile marker, I looked at the clock and began intense mental calculation. I thought, "Wow, I have a chance to set a PR! Even if I run out of gas, I will still finish in the 1:30 to 1:40 range." I maintained a great pace, and an efficient form that would surely conserve energy for a sprint to the finish.
Miles 12-13.1: I had plenty of energy to set a PR so I picked up the pace! I once heard a quote from Lance Armstrong I always think of when I feel tired or pain, "Pain is temporary, but quitting last forever!" I thought of this saying and just ran. I saw the finish picked it up and realized I was about to do something I see as great: Maintain a sub 7 minute mile in a half marathon race! And I did it! I set another PR!!!!!!
Here are the official details of my results in the 14th Annual Chicago Half Marathon:
bib number: 6984
age: 31
gender: M
overall place: 345 out of 13,565 (18,500 registered)
division place: 63 out of 1,062
gender place: 300 out of 5,664
overall time: 1:31:30 (PR)
overall pace: 7:00
5 - Mile 34:49
10 - Mile 1:10:05
This time was a PR by over a minute and thirty seconds! I can honestly attribute this run to ideal temperatures, Giordano's Pizza, a loving wife, and my commitment and dedication to preparation. I give a lot of credit to my wife for getting up early and supporting my races, one of my true passions.
Here is a brief race review:
While this was not one of those races with the monster expo, the committee did a great job organizing all aspects of the event. From traveling downtown to the race site on shuttles, dealing with the Bears opening day of football, and the 20,000 people, the race was well organized and placed. Timing was quickly posted and I always love a flat and super fast course!
The next race I am officially registered for is the 2011 KDF Mini, but I am sure I will do a couple more half's between now and then. I'll keep you posted.
Happy Running!!!!!