Trust me, as a dedicated runner, I know this is a hard concept to register in your ambitious, competitive mind; however, if you catch the unfortunate bug of sickness that is going around, resting will mean more to your body than exerting your energy in a cardio workout! Coming from a runner that strives to hit the pavement six of seven days per week, I have resisted the temptation of my daily workouts for five consecutive days now.... Needless to say, I have woke up with a headache for two days know and I am not sure if its because of the absence and addiction to running or coffee!!!!
I can tell you I went to the doctor yesterday, was diagnosed with the flu, with a 101.5 degree temp, and was told, "despite your competitive edge, no work or running for a week or two."
My response: "WHAT??? I cannot run or work? C'mon doc?"
Her response: "Ok, you can go back to work Monday."
Her main bit of advice as it relates to running was to let my body heal and let the antibiotics do their job. As I have before, many of us will feel better and better for a few days and try to run. As with injuries, we take steps back because or energy has to refocus.
So, the TIP for today, with all the sickness and viruses swirling around, is listen to your body!!!! I read in Runner's Magazine that running over an hour will begin to break down your immune system; therefore, re-up by taking multi-vitamins or eating fruits and veggies after those long runs. Needless to say, keep your spirits up, sanitize, and wash your hands!!!