Are you a runner? Many people are afraid to classify themselves as runners. Well, let me give you some advice - you do not have to win a 5K, 10K, 1/2 or full marathon to call yourself a runner. As long as you put forth the effort and try and have the ambition to run all the way for a mile, or whatever the distance, you are a runner. Us runners come in all shapes, sizes, colors, speeds, forms and any other label you could put on a person. Being a runner means you want to do it, and you do it!. Please do not be afraid if you are "too slow" or "don't run all the way". You are doing more than a lot of people by just hitting the pavement, track, or treadmill.
With that said, many runners have a goal to improve in some way. Maybe you want to be faster, fitter, or you want to increase your endurance. Motivation is great but not everyone has the same ability to resist the temptation to watch TV or stay in bed.
My recommendation to both stay motivated and improve is to register for a race, no matter the distance, and participate in that race. Louisville has area races nearly every weekend. Most are 5K's with the occasional long distance run thrown in there.
How will registering for a race motivate you?
You paid the entry fee... Do you really want to waste that money? You have been talking to your friends about it.... Do you really want to choose to sleep in and, when people ask, respond with "I didn't feel like getting up that early"... In addition, there are hundreds around you will the same goal do better themselves, you get a t-shirt, and you get to go home and see where you placed when the results are posted online!
How will racing improve your performance?
You will be running with hundreds of people smiling, laughing, striving, pushing, walking, running and giving their all just to cross that finish line. Adrenaline will be pumping, your heart rate will be up and you will be breathing hard, all because you want to post the fastest time you can. Who would not improve? Personally, due to all these qualities of a race, I post faster times than when I train. After working hard in preparation for race day, and when you have that feeling of accomplishment, you want more! Most go to Fleet Feet, Ken Comb's, Swag's or Dick's and buy gear for their next race, which you register for the moment you get home.
Running and race entry not only motivates you and improves your performance, you become more in shape, you have found a new hobby, and confidence and security will be overflowing. So, get out there and try it, or to bite from one of my favorite companies, "JUST DO IT!" Stick to training with your goal in mind and meet that goal. You can do it! Believe in yourself, because no one will if YOU do not!